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January 08, 2008



I respectfully disagree.

"Moderate growth" in home sales or even people moving into the county does NOT equal "moderate growth" in school needs. School needs can lag population and settlement growth by 3-5 years (kids don't go to school until they're 5). Thus, the School Board is projecting the budget increase and needs based on the kids that have been born over the past 5 years and the kids that continue to be born.

John Stevens (over at Our Loudoun Schools blog.loudounschools.org) does a fantastic job of comparing the Loudoun school budget with requirements, revenue and other jurisdictions. Before asserting "taxes are too high! cut the school budget!" it would behoove folks to read up on what's involved with the school budget and go from there.

We have an excellent quality of life here in Loudoun, that quality of life costs money. I do not want Loudoun to be forced into bad decisions by short-sighted tax and budget policies the way that Prince William has been. I say we let the BoS do their jobs and withhold judgement for a couple months.

Tony Arko

Point noted, Paradox. But I have to question why there are all these justifications for increases and illustrations of stagnant salaries and nothing about reductions in areas that may need to be reduced or eliminated? Have all the allocations of money in the past been so perfect that there is no fat in a school budget that exceeds $800 Million?

My budget is far less than that, but if I know that in the next year I won't make as much as this year, then I take a look at what I need to do to spend less. But, if I have a source of unlimited funds that I can always just ask for more, will I really make an effort to do without? Will I really look hard for areas to cut back or eliminate? No. And to think I would or anyone else would is foolish.

Perhaps I am foolish to think that any government would ever cut back on expenses in anticipation of lower revenues. But I can still argue for the people who have to pay the increased taxes on lower and lower income with no hope of the cycle being stopped until it is too late for everyone, even the children.


We always need to pay attention to spending and efficiencies. I believe there may be places our budgets are bloated, and I am glad there are watchdogs (Loudoun Stats, Bacon's Rebellion) who are making sure our officials stay honest.

Our School Board and Board of Supervisors are definitely coming into this years' budget process with a mind towards belt tightening. The current budget was a product of the Superintendent and Staff, not the School Board. Let's see what the Board does, and then our Supervisors. I'm sure they will be very diligent in seeking cost reductions.

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